Why 2025 is the year for change.
As we step into 2025, quick-service restaurant operators should take time to evaluate their plans, determining whether they have positioned themselves for success or if their plans require adjustment. Frontline employees hold the key to driving meaningful improvements that move the needle, making their engagement and empowerment critical priorities. A new year offers a fresh slate—to reevaluate strategies, embrace innovation, and commit to impactful changes. Implementing new technology to optimize workflows and engage team members are steps operators can take now to shape future success in the months ahead. Major brands like Popeyes, Burger King, Buffalo Wild Wings, and Jersey Mike’s are already setting the tone with ambitious 2025 plans.
Shift is an innovative tech company revolutionizing the way quick-service restaurants communicate with their frontline teams. The platform offers back-of-house TVs that display team communication and real-time data to motivate employees. Shift’s clients have reported an 11 percent improvement in revenue, 25 percent improvement in employee retention, and a 21 percent increase in operational profitability.
Bridging the gap between management and employees through a cutting-edge platform, Shift empowers quick-service restaurant operators to boost productivity, enhance employee satisfaction, and improve overall business performance. Due to this, several top quick-service restaurant brands have incorporated Shift’s technology in their 2025 plans.
Popeyes and Burger King Franchises
Kevin Newell, CEO and owner of Supreme Foods, decided to install Shift in his stores, a portfolio that includes 36 Burger Kings, 34 Popeyes, and three Taco Johns. “We tried it out in a few Burger King stores and we noticed engagement from our team members, and just general communication with them, was much better,” Newell says. “We noticed significant improvement across our operational metrics, from speed of service to guest complaints—everything got better.”
Employees have better access to information on different benefits offered by Supreme Foods now that it is clearly, and prominently displayed on Shift powered TVs. Newell credits this intervention with improving the retention rate across his businesses, and has since rolled Shift out to all of his locations.

Buffalo Wild Wings
Anderson Management, which operates seven Buffalo Wild Wings franchise locations throughout Montana, realized the impact effective communication has on operational success.
Before implementing Shift, daily communications were time consuming and inefficient, resulting in unsuccessful promotional programs. However, once Shift’s technology was incorporated, Anderson Management saw huge growth in their Twisted Tea promotion, a limited-time promotion where employees competed to sell the most Twisted Teas. Shift enabled Anderson Management to display real-time data that let each employee know where they stood in the competition, pushing the staff to keep selling.
They topped the previous year’s units sold after just 19 days of its 60-day promotional period. Additionally, sales were projected to increase by 245 percent year-over-year, but by August 2023, the promotion had skyrocketed to achieve a 261 percent increase over the previous year’s sales.
“Shift is great because it is an employee retention and sales-building platform,” says David Moorhead, director of marketing and finance at Ander Management. “It makes employee communication a lot easier too. With Shift, you can put out a bulletin in two minutes to every store in the state instead of sending out an email, it’s such a time saver.”

Jersey Mikes
Jason Zieman, an owner and operator of several Jersey Mikes franchise locations, says implementing Shift has fostered a friendly, competitive environment amongst his frontline employees. A key part of Shift’s success is its emphasis on employee recognition, which helps team members feel seen and more connected to the brand. This sense of acknowledgement motivates employees and encourages them to stay longer, remain engaged, and ultimately deliver at a higher level, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the business.
“The affordability of Shift is incredible, and the sky is the limit for the effect it’s having on our culture,” Zieman says. “I feel really confident our work environment improves for our team members when they feel as though they’re being highlighted and appreciated.”
As the restaurant industry prepares for a transformative 2025, partnering with Shift means staying ahead of the curve and making real, lasting improvements where it matters most. Whether through seamless communication or innovative technology, Shift has proven to be a game changer for top quick-service restaurant brands, delivering real results that enhance both operations and team dynamics.
For more information, visit the Shift website.